June 13, 2009

SSS survey: Support to the SBY-Boediono Down

Although in its first ranking, support for the pair Capres cawapres SBY-Boediono decreased. The results of the survey, Sugeng Sarjadi Syndicate (SSS) on 5-9 June 2009. Approximately 52.5 percent of respondents claim to support the pair of SBY-Boediono pilpres if held on the day of the survey is taken. Meanwhile, Megawati, Prabowo pair have only 24.4 percent support and the pair of Wiranto-JK 20.2 percent. Respondents said that not only around 2.9 percent.
Compared to most other surveys that show high-ranking pair SBY Boediono with support above 60 percent, Executive Director of the SSS Totok Sugiarto said that the survey is another SSS. Support for the pair of SBY-Boediono appear to decrease. "Results showed a decrease in support for SBY-Boediono," said Totok SSS in the release of the survey in the Hotel Four Season, Saturday june 13,2009. SSS estimate a number of factors that influence the decline in support for the two pairs numbered series, such as comments from reek SARA Ruhut Sitompul of the role of Arab society, SBY offensive comments the group, and the issue neoliberalisme a dash Boediono.
When the case, estimated pair-SBY akan Boediono not win in one round. Section, three weeks in the future, anything can happen, especially with the decline phenomenon like this. Totok so disclosed. Incumbent is still ranked in the top. However, the difference with support near the other pair. "If so kecenderungannya, SBY-Boediono can get below 50 percent and later pilpres two cycles can occur if there are not events that are too influential," Totok demolished. Based on data collected SSS, National Health Institute survey (LSN) on the date 27 May 2008 shows 67.1 percent support SBY-Boediono, Mega-Pro (11.8 percent) and JK-Win (6.7 percent).
Surveys Surveys Indonesia Institute (LSI Syaiful Mudjani) on the date of 4 June 2009 showed support for SBY-Boediono (71 percent), Mega-Pro (16.4 percent) and JK-Win (6 percent). The second survey LSN in 9th June 2009 showed support for SBY-Boediono (62.5 percent), Mega-Pro (14.2 percent) and JK-Win (11.4 percent). The Reform Institute in the survey on 10 June 2009 showed support for SBY-Boediono (62.92 percent), Mega-Pro (16.99 percent), and JK-Win (11.31 percent). Finally, the survey results Surveys Lingkaran Indonesia (LSI Denny JA) on the date of 12 June 2009 showed support for SBY -Boediono (63.1 percent), Mega-Pro (16.4 percent) and JK-Win (5.9 percent).


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