June 4, 2009

Obama: End the suspicions and antagonism to U.S. and Islam

U.S. President Barack Obama to invite the start of a new phase relationship the United States and Muslims in a speech in Cairo, Egypt, Thursday june 4.2009. He said that cooperation the two parties will be able to subvert ekstrimisme in the world and establish peace in the Middle East forever.

"Cycle the suspicion and discord must end this," said Obama at the University of Cairo after meeting President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt. The statement emphasizes the U.S. effort to re-frame the relationship the U.S. terrorist attacks since 11 September 2001 and the U.S. to attack Iraq and Afghanistan.

Obama also said sikapnya on-stereotype stereotype that has emerged is often identical associate terrorism with Islam. According to him it should be removed.

"I have become aware my responsibilities as President of the U.S. to combat the negative stereotype of Islam anywhere," said Obama. Principle the same, Obama is also more to be done against the U.S..

He even had time to cite verses the Qur'an says that while Islamic support for peace. According to him Islam is not barrier to combat ektrimisme.


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