June 7, 2009

Golkar: Mega Events in Rengasdengklok Still reasonable

Spokesperson for the National Campaign Capres-pair cawapres M Jusuf Kalla, Wiranto, Chrisnandi Yudi, said, Capres of Megawati's PDI-P in Rengasdengklok yesterday, if the law is based Pilpres, can be classified as rule violations. The campaign activities in the open can be carried out on 11 June. "Activities outside of actual internal party concerned," said Yudi, Sunday june 7,2009 in between the movie film Capres with Jusuf Kalla at the Plaza EX, Jakarta. Nevertheless, Yudi also assess these activities still have momentum birthday Bung Karno, Mr.

Proklamator Indonesia. "Thus, the birth day is used to bersilaturahmi with people around. So, it is still on the borders of fairness," he said. Event, go Yudi, not much different from the activities meet with constituents JK-konstituennya in teaching institutions.


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